Insurance Programs

Unit Linked Max

About the program

Unlimited MAX is a retirement annuity insurance program that allows the client to receive income from the invested funds in the first years of insurance, as well as to have insurance coverage in case of unforeseen events for life and health.

Who can be insured?

The insured person can be a natural person (individual), who has reached the age of 18 at the time of the conclusion of the insurance contract and who has at least 10 years left before reaching the age of 70.

What does the program include?

Insurance Cover

Daily Income Accrual

Annuity payments at expiration of insurance

Access to your personal account with convenient functionality

Opportunity to build your own career as a financial advisor

Online consultation with a specialist

Price of the program

100 € / year

Ability to pay contributions for several years at the same time.

When will the sums insured be paid?


At the end of coverage, a quarterly life annuity is paid, the amount of which depends on the duration of the coverage.

In the event of death of the insured person for any reason, the beneficiaries will be refunded all insurance premiums paid, including additional investment income.

In the event of death of the insured person as a result of an accident.

1,000 €

In the event of death of the insured person as a result of a traffic accident.

2,000 €
Amounts insured for several incurred risks are summed up

Insurance claim process

How to get insurance